Making new stuff , rehearsing & recording the first recording.
-"Nuclearmageddon theories" Demo is finished. with 7 tracks arround 25 minutes.
-Working on a new lp "The law of Kalashnikov"
Nuclearmageddon theories is self-released oncCDR format.
Nuclearmageddon theoires is released via Wings Ofpestilence recs USA on tape format.
-Wargoatcult signed with Terror cult prod (Scotland) & Wings of Pestilence (usa) for release "Nuclearmageddon theories" on tape.
-"The law of Kalashnikov is finished with 8 tracks arround 35 minutes.
-Starting to rehearsal and recording new tracks for an split.
Four new shoots for split Heathen life code/Wargoatcult are finished.
-FEBRUARY 2009: "Nuclearmageddon theories" on tape tru Supremacy through intolerance recs (Germania).
-FEBRUARY 2009: Making new thermonuclear stuff.
-FEBRUARY 2009: WARGOATCULT signed with NUKTEMERON PRODUCTIONS (Bra) for an split with INFERNAL WAR 666 (Bra).
-FEBRUARY: 2009: Tracks for split with Infernal War 666 finished.
-MARCH 09: Wargoatcult confirmed for XTREMME METAL ATTACK Fest (Portugal) & BRUTALMERIA FEST (Spain).
-APRIL 2009: Making new material for the next album, now with LORD NECROTOMB at drums too, a new thermonuclear dimension of brutal Black metal.
-APRIL 2009: Making a new clip for MADE IN PLUTONIUM HELLFIRE.
-MAY 2009: Made in Plutonium Hell fire Clip finished & uploaded.
-MAY 2009: Finally 5 tracks for Wargoatcult/Heathen lifecode split.
-MAY 2009: Start to rehearshal for live assault with session members.
-JUN 2009: Wargoatcult signed with LUCIDIST PROD from Portugal
for release "The law of Kalashnikov" album including "Nuclear
mageddon theories" as bonus, all on cd format.
-JUN 2009: Wargoatcult signed with INERNAL CHAOS PROD (Korea) for
a 5-way split.
-JULY 2009: Wargoatcult enter the studio and recorded 3 new shoots &
1 cover (Devil pig of VON) for five way split.
-JULY 2009: Wargoatcult enter the studio for record the new album.
-JULY 2009: DETHRONE, a new second promo 09 with two tracks was released
Including Wargoatcult shoot "Thermonuclear ascension".
-SEPTEMBER 09: Wargoatcult signed with Mutilationary recs from Thailand
for release an asian edition on tape of "The law of
kalashnikov & nuclearmageddon theories" entitled
"The law of nuclearmageddon".
-SEPTEMBER 09: Wargoatcult starts to work in a new split with Extirpation (Basque country), 4 shoots each band.
-October 09: Wargoatcult/Infernal war 666 split released tru Nuktemeron Productions (Bra)/Impaled records (Bra).
-OCTOBER 09: Wargoatcult shirt released under license of BLACK METAL DESTROY PRODS (USA).
-OCTOBER 09: Wargoatcult signed with TERROR CULT PRODS (Scotland)
for release "The law of Kalashnikov" on tape with nuclearmageddon theories
as bonus.
-OCTOBER 09: Second official shirt released by BLACK METAL DESTROY PRODS.
-OCTOBER 09: Wargoatcult signed with Dybuck records from MEX for release
"The law of Kalashnikov" with nuclearmageddon theories as bonus
on cd format, 500 copies exclusively for south & north America.
-NOVEMBER 09: The law of nuclearmageddon released tru Mutilationary recs(Thailand) on tape, containing Nuclearmagedon theories & Tthe law of Kalashnikov.
-DECEMBER 09: Abominations, chaos & bestial warfare 5-way split released
tru Misanthropic art Prods-Korea.
-DECEMBER 09: New shirt at Diabolos prods (Spain).
-DECEMBER 09: Recording a new clip for OCENAOS DE FUEGO.
-JANUARY 2010: Oceanos de fuego clip finished & Uploaded.
-FEBRUARY 2010: Wargoatcult entered the studio again for record a new
-MARCH 2010: Wargoatcult signed with Black filth prods (usa) for release a patche.
-MARCH 2010:WARGOATCULT starts to compose & record the new album in SPANISH HOLY Week, only pure nuclear blasphemy against this shit, totally
singed in spanish!!!
-APRIL 2010: Wargoatcult finished the new promo including three tracks.
A la guerra con Satan/Verga de chivo en culo de Monja/Nuevos Dioses.
-APRIL 2010: WARGOATCULT finished the new album, EN PIE DE GUERRA.
-MAY 2010: Wargoatcult entered the studio for record 3 new tracks and a cover
for the split with Brazilian band Ravendark..s Monarchal Canticle.
-MAY 2010:Wargoatcult starts to record another album.
-JULY 2010: Wargoatcult signed with Nexus Inspillinger label(Spain) for release
wargoatcult/Ravens dark Monarchal canticle split in tape.
-AUGUST 2010: Wargoatcult signed with INFERNAL KAOS PRODS (Korea) for a split cd with the usa band Chainsaw Carnage.
AUGUST 2010: Wargoatcult finished the recording of wgc/Chainsaw Carnage split & WGC/Ravens Dark M C Split.
OCTOBER 2010: Wargoatcult/Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle split is out on tape format tru Nexus Inspillinger (Spain).
NOVEMBER 2010:Wargoatcult launch the first official patch tru Talheim recs.
JANUARY 2011: Wargoatcult includes a unreleased track called NUEVOS DIOSES in a three-way split on tape format with Ocultus Sathanas and Blackdolmen, released in Brazil.
MARCH 2011: Wargoatcult/Chainsaw Carnage split released in cd Format tru Infernal Kaos Productions.
MARCH 2011: Wargoatcult signed with Nigra mors recs
for a new album & split.
APRIL 2011: Wargoatcult/Hetahen Lifecode split cd released tru Butchered recs,usa.
MAY 2011:Wargoatcult signed with Storm of Bullets Productions (Mex) for release "The law of Kalashnikov" Cd.
MAY 2011:Wargoatcult release a new promo called "Biomegatherion" including two tracks-Decrepitome & Fungivorous nematode population.
JUNE 2011:Wargoatcult signed with Butchered recs/Old Cemetery recs for release Pentaprotokhaos on Cd format.
JUNE 2011: Wargoatcult signed with Black Imperium
Recs (Bra).for wargoatcult/xerion split tape.
JUNE: Wargoatcult signed with BLACK METAL DESTROY PRODS from USA for an ep.
(Never released).
SEPTEMBER 2011: Wargoatcult/Xerion split tape out tru Black Imperium Recs (Bra).
SEPTEMBER 2011:Wargoatcult sings with BLACK GOAT TERRORIST records for wargoatcult/Extirpatio split tape called AT WAR.
OCTOBER 2011: The new album entitled "La Horda del Chivo" is on factory and will be released tru Nigra Mors Records (Spain) on cd format, including 8 tracks in 37 minutes.
OCTOBER 2011;Wargoatcult signed with BESTIAL DESECRATION RECS (El salvador) for release EN PIE DE GUERRA tape.
NOVEMBER 2011; LA HORDA DEL CHIVO CD is out to Nigra Mors recs.
JANUARY 2012; Wargoatcult/Die Human Race split tape is out!
February 2011: Wargoatcult signed with Death Camp Recs for release wargoatcult/Purifikation Kommando split cd.
February 2011: Wargoatcult signed with Deadbangers
Recs for release wargoatcult/Purifikation Kommando split tape.
November 2012, Davallon (live guitarrist) was Kicked out of Wargoatcult , new guitarist will be announced Soon!
January 2013;Wargoatcult seelf release a new Promo-The Opponent, including two songs from the upcoming album Hatecatomb.
January 2013; Nocturna Disharmonica Pestilentia
Is the new live Guitar for Wargoatcult
January 2013;wargoatcult signed with Diabolos prods again for release a new Hoodie.
February 2013; Wargoatcult signed with Pentagram Recs from Perú for release the upcoming album.
June 2013; New Wargoatcult album entitled Hatecatomb is out via Magistellius Infernal prods from Perú and
Pentagram recs (Perú) exclusive worldwide distribution.
July 2013; 5th Aniversary album is out via Talheim recs-Austria, was delayed 1year before release.
April 2014; Wargoatcult sings with Nigra mors recs and release Wargoatcult/Hereticum/Xerion/Terrorsaw split on tape, Legatvm Damnatorvm.
April 2014; Wargoatcult signs with Panzer Assault records from Mex for release Hordas do Inferno, including two unreleased albums; En Pie de guerra & The law of Kalashnikov on Digipack format+Sticker,patche and shirt.
April 2014; Wargoatcult signs with Soul Eraser recs from Brazil for release wargoatcult/Hereticum
Split Cd, including all demos from each Band.
April 2014: Official Rotting Christ tribute with 19 Bands was released.
Wargoatcult performing-Restoration of the Infernal Kingdom.
August 2014: Wargoatcult signs with Nigra Mors records-Spain for release War bringer-War cult
CD Compilation of unreleased songs from 2009 to 20013.
September 2014:Wargoatcult release a new promo entitled; Vaalbara implosion, including two songs;
Anthems of war, The shining-the Omega.
September 2014:Wargoactult signs with Brutal Panzer Assault recs-Mex for 2015 album.
November 2014: Wargoatcult sings with............ for wargoatcult/Beasthrone split 7" including two songs each Band.
December 2014; Wargoatcult included on Frenopatiko 10 years aniversary Compilation.
January 2015-11:Wargoatcult release War Bringer-War Cult tru Nigra Mors Recs (Spain).
Including 17 unreleased songs from 08 to 2013.
February 2015: Wargoatcult be part of Hammerstorm IV Compilation-Russia.
Juny 2015:Wargoatcult release a new videoclip from Vaalbara implosion ep, Anthems of war.
July 2015; Wargoatcult release a new videoclip performing "Pangea deflagration" from Hatecatom album 2013.
September 2015; Wargoatcult signs with Brutal Panzer Assault recs (Mex) for release the first Wgc Album in Digipack entitled; The Law of Kalashnikov, recorded in 2008 and never published until 2015.
September 2015; Wargoatcult signs with Brutal Panzer Assault recs (Mex) for release the new Album; Proteus Inferno.
November 2015; January 2016; Wargoatcult signs with Merch of the Dead Prods (Spain) releasing two new shirts and Big Embroidered Patche Logo.
January 2016; Wargoatcult signs with Merch of the Dead Prods (Spain) to participate in the Compilation "El matadero de Cristo" with the song "Verga de Chivo en Culo de Monja"
May 2016; Wargoatcult broke with Brutal Panzer Assault recs (Mex) and signs with Pentagram Recs (Peru) for Proteus Inferno Album Release.
August 2016-Wargoatcult signs with Merch Of The Dead Prods for wargoatcult/Hereticum Split Cd
Entitled Black war.
September 2016-Wargoatcult signs with the Legendary Label Elegy records-Usa for release The law of Kalashnikov.
First Album recorded in 2008 and never released yet.
December 2016-Wargoatcult release with Elegy records-Usa The law of Kalashnikov. Day 1.
December 2016-Wargoatcult release Proteus Inferno, the 7th Album, via Magistellvs Infernal Prdos/Pentagram Recs-Peru. Day 31.
January 2017-Wargoatcult signed with Elegy records-Usa for the 10Th anniversary Album
July 2017-Wargoatcult release a new Ep entitled Warbrakadabrah including two tracks; 1-Warbrakadabrah & 2; March of the Iberians, both from upcoming Album Phasmatis Interregnum.
September 2017-Wargoatcult release the First "ambient" Album absed on Phasmatis Interregnum Album
2017 entitled "Enigma". For more information check Necro-Classics section